The Online Presence Test


eview the following questions to see if you are keeping up with SEO or if ESO-EXO should step in to help...

  1. Does your website feature strong content?

Good content means having photos, bios, services, mission statements, product descriptions and plenty of customer information featuring keywords applicable to your business.

  1. Do you have Social Media set-up

Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are all relevant and help ensure the brand is featured on popular platforms. Think of SEO like a web, the more strands leading back to the website the bigger the organization appears online and in the eyes of Google.

  1. How many pictures are available?

Are there good photos featuring products, services, projects, staff or the business itself? If not, this could result in very little engagement from visitors and will hurt your status with respect to how Google indexes your website.

  1. Is your Google Business page live?

When people search using Google, more likely than not, it is a local search which will yield map results. These results showcase local Google Business pages. If you are not among them, this could spell disaster.

  1. Do you have at least 20 reviews?

Across all platforms which contain reviews, Google looks for positive and real testimonials. This means non-marketing reviews from real customers that have high ratings, pictures and mention keywords associated with the business.

  1. Do you Blog onsite or off-site?

Continuously updated content allows Google to re-index a website; the more often content is refreshed or added, the more often Google checks in to see if the business is growing or if new keywords need to be assigned to the organization.

  1. Have you purchased Google Ads?

Any services Google uses are recommended because they are seen as a positive point of SEO rating. Therefore Google Ads allow you to directly connect with potential clients while also being seen as more desirable by Google.

  1. Any extra websites aside from Social Media?

Being in as many places as possible allows the smaller businesses to compete with larger companies. Try Medium, Yelp and Reddit to push your business further.

  1. Do you have access to all of your accounts?

If you struggle to log-in to any of your accounts, this is a major problem. Being able to manage all of your accounts ensures they do not become stagnant in the months following their inception.

  1. Have you hired an SEO company before?

If there is an existing baseline of SEO strategies by a marketing company, this means that your SEO foundation is solid and adding other online presence services will be easier to implement and have a faster response time by Google and customers.

  1. Are you monitoring your progress?

Using applications like Google Analytics allow for users to monitor visitors, retention and even find dead links. There are helpful tips within these tools to boost SEO ratings by a few points.

  1. Have you searched for yourself?

If you do not appear very high on the searches you assume customers are using, this could be a sign that SEO is need or more SEO is required. Keep an eye on what does come up. If competitors are ranked higher than you, they may be using a more comprehensive SEO strategy.

  1. Is your website slow?

Page speeds can cause Google to rank your site much lower than others. Replacing or updating outdated websites may be the first step to correcting poor SEO. The best website have page load speeds under a second.

  1. What do your competitors look like?

Do your competitors appear online has more professional or larger? Take note of what they are doing differently. Chances are they are answering the previous questions more effectively or have a dedicated team devoted to making them look good online.

  1. Is your brand cohesive?

If your business cards, photos, social media sites or the website has fallen behind on the "to-do" list and are mismatched in some way, ensuring the branding is consistent across all of these is key. Don't use outdated content or mismatched logos.

Search Engine Optimization is not a single step to me added to the standard business routine, but rather a collection of small tasks to be reviewed monthly. If all of these questions were answered convincingly and SEO is still lacking, this could be indicative of a larger problem like ineffective meta data, low reputation, broken links, unpaired keywords or weak alt tags. In this case, it is best to consult professionals who can assemble a complete overarching online marketing strategy to increase online presence. Remember, the stronger the SEO, the more likely visitors are to become customers. SEO equates to a return on investment and when done correctly, it can last for years.